BPF response to the revised National Planning Policy Framework
Following the publication of the Government’s NPPF consultation outcome, Our Chief Executive Melanie Leech said:
“It’s very positive that the Government has quickly recognised and responded to the fact that to drive economic growth and deliver a step change in housing delivery we need a planning system which is agile, fit for purpose, adequately resourced and, crucially, retains a plan-led approach at its core. The revised NPPF and other recent and mooted reforms go some way to addressing this, but more remains to be done.
"While this new framework will help industry’s confidence to build more homes of all tenures, including Build-to-Rent and affordable homes, it must integrate with other emerging frameworks such as the industrial strategy and the national infrastructure plan to enhance economic growth. That we need to deliver housing is beyond doubt, but those homes and the communities require critical infrastructure, including logistics, and jobs to be economically sustainable. We urge that these revised housing targets align with employment space targets to create places where people can live and work. Going forward, Government should build on this positive start by addressing other causes of subdued delivery rates, such as viability challenges, weaker than expected economic sentiment and market demand, and construction sector capacity.”
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