BPF comments on the Government's NPPF proposals
Commenting on the Government's proposed amendments to the National Planning Policy Framework, Melanie Leech CBE said:
"This is an ambitious package of proposed changes to the make the current planning system work better while Labour develops plans for longer-term and more radical reform.
"These measures send a clear signal of intent to deliver more homes. We need a multi-tenure approach to tackle the chronic housing supply shortage which sees social and affordable housing, homes for sale, and Build-to-Rent firing on all cylinders. We are therefore particularly pleased to see that as part of the draft revised NPPF, Government will double down on encouraging every part of the housing sector to play their full role in building the homes we need.
"The planning system is also the key enabler of growth and delivering the UK’s Net Zero commitments. We fully support action to improve the NPPF’s approach to planning for decarbonisation of the electricity grid, and for economic and employment uses such as the critical logistics space that keeps the UK running. In many cases, planning for our logistics facilities requires a ‘larger than local’ approach so it is positive that the consultation focuses on improving strategic planning in the short term through immediate reform to the NPPF, as well as exploring the government’s more longer-term strategic planning agenda.
"The success of these proposed changes very much depends on local authorities and the Government is right to focus on the importance of having up-to-date local development plans in place and delivering greater consistency in decision-making. Looking ahead to the Autumn Budget the Government mist also ensure that the planning system has the necessary resources and skills to deliver."
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