We've a fantastic opportunity for BPF Futures members to contribute to and shape the industry we work in by joining a BPF Committee.

Our committees are an excellent way to deepen your understanding of the sector and offer great networking opportunities. Membership often means that you're able to explore policies and ideas with key stakeholders, like the Government, long before they become reality. It can also be a good way to raise your personal profile and be seen as an industry expert and leader.​

Moving beyond the personal, you are also helping to shape the sector we all work in, how it goes about its business, and making its collective voice heard.​

To learn more about the individual committees, please see here. 

To hear more about what it's like being a BPF Futures member on a BPF committee, you can read Holly's blog here.

Please find answers to FAQs below. 

A major part of the BPF’s work is policy. We are advocates for the industry to a range of external stakeholders, which include the Government, Parliament, local and mayor-run authorities, and many others. We also seek to promote and protect the image of the sector with opinion-formers and the public.

Our policy work relies heavily on the expertise and energy we can draw on from within our membership. Committees are our window to the sector, helping us understand what is going on, changes taking place, what might help or hinder the sector, and what the future might look like.

Committees meet regularly - typically quarterly - and this can be online, face to face in London, or a mix of both. Occasionally, some of our committees will host meetings in other parts of England, and often combine it with a site visit to a development of interest. By joining a committee, you would be making a commitment to attend most committee meetings.

Successful applicants will serve a two-year term from January 2025 until December 2026.

A lot of committee work, however, also takes place between meetings. Committees act as a sounding board for consultation, formal and informal, with us and Government.

Committees are also our eyes and ears, flagging important changes we may want to explore further or raise with Government. We use our committees to also help shape our more proactive work too – projects than might centre around specific research, or campaigns.

Sometimes, we will set up a sub-group of committee members to focus on a specific project. BPF Futures members are also expected to keep in touch with the BPF Futures Advisory Board, to share any relevant information, such as key topics the BPF Futures programme should cover.

The key people who arrange our committee work are BPF staff, and the specific committee Chair and Vice-Chair. A member of staff will act as secretariat to the committee and arrange its administration. Committee papers and other information are distributed via the MyBPF portal.

The Committee Chair and Vice-Chair are appointed by the BPF. They chair committee meetings and play an important role in deciding in collaboration with the committee secretariat the meeting agendas and overall work programme for their committee.

Meetings will normally start with a reminder of competition policy, and members must be wary of sharing market information in our committees. There will then be a short review of the previous meetings, its minutes, follow up actions, and any matters arising.
The substantive part of the meeting will generally look at two or three burning issues. These can be covered in papers, presentations, or by inviting guest speakers.

The meeting will generally end with an opportunity for members to raise any other business. Some committees will then simply depart. Others arrange networking opportunities to mix with fellow committee members more informally.

15 committees are recruiting, these are:





Living Sectors Council

Logistics Property Board


Policy Steering Group

Privacy/Data protection

Resi management

Retail Board

Student Accommodation


UKPA Steering Group


If you would like to apply to multiple committees, please complete a separate application form for each committee.

Committee members must take considered views about how to achieve outcomes. They, therefore, need to think tactically, and sometimes it requires compromise and consensus-building. It also means sometimes being innovative and thinking outside the box.

Our work requires very clear communication of what can be complex issues. We want people who are knowledgeable about their part of the sector and the subject of the committee. We're also looking for people who are also prepared to see through the lens of those outside the sector. We want people who will bring energy and curiosity to our policy work. Our committee members will often have strong views, but they must also be respectful of others.

We also want people that are going to be in the room, or online, and therefore it is important that having made the commitment, members are able to devote the time to committee meetings, and actively participate in them.

If you have any questions, contact futures@bpf.org.uk

Ready to apply? 

To apply, you must be a BPF Futures member and your organisation must be a BPF member. If you meet these criteria, you can apply using this form:


You’ll be asked to provide some basic information, along with a short explanation of why you want to join a committee and what you think you will bring.

Applications open on the 9 September and will remain open for six weeks until 5pm on the 25 October. Outcomes will be communicated on the 29 November and successful applicants will be expected to take up their position in January 2025.

Any other questions, get in touch on futures@bpf.org.uk