Events BPF Futures x BLNextGen: Canada Water Tour and Networking

BPF Futures x BLNextGen: Canada Water Tour and Networking

The Project Hub
Canada Water

Date & Time:
03 Apr 2025
15:30 - 18:30

Event Type:
Futures, BPF Futures

BPF Futures Event

This event is open to Members and Non-Members.

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Event Details

Please note this event is now fully booked - to join the waitlist please email

Join us on a tour of Canada Water with British Land's NextGen network, followed by refreshments and networking. 

This is a unique opportunity to tour Canada Water, the first new town centre in London in 50 years: a truly mixed-use new urban centre, built for the future.

Over the next twelve years, the 53 acre masterplan will deliver a new high street and town square. Up to 3,000 new net zero carbon homes, and 2 million sq ft of workspace accommodating 20,000 workers. A new leisure centre, with swimming pools, sports courts and gym. And 35% of the masterplan will be public open space - that's 16 extra acres of parks and places to pause and relax. 

Join us to learn more about this exciting project and network with other junior professionals.

3.30pm: Arrive at the Project Hub 

3.30pm - 4.45pm: Tour 

5pm - 6.30pm: Networking 

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